Invincibility (S&K): Invincible (Sonic Heroes)īonus Stage (Slot Machine): Bonus Challengeīonus Stage (Glowing Spheres): Battle, Casino Area Knuckles' theme (S&K): Fight for My Own Way VS Mecha Sonic (Knuckles): Militant Missionary VS Mecha Sonic (Sonic & Tails): Shut Up, Faker! MHZ1: Windy Hill (Nothing to do with Sonic Lost World) ICZ2: Grand Metropolis (Odd choice, I know, but it fits more than other snow level themes) Main Menu: System Screen Select (Sonic Heroes) This mod replaces almost the full game's soundtrack with music from Sonic Adventure 1, 2, and Heroes. ↺1 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch) ↺8 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU)
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