Focus stacking has you taking several shots of the same subject, focused on different depths.
It stacks them together and you’re off to the races. Lightroom in its latest versions includes a very powerful exposure stacking addon and creates good HDR shots from differently exposed pictures. Photoshop is far from simple and skipping a single (undocumented) step in the process can and will mess up your result. I have done this successfully with Photoshop, but you all know I like to keep things simple. So I tried the method called “Focus stacking”. Cranking up the ISO to counter that reveals too much noise. At f/32, there is little light left to work with and shutter speeds are getting too slow to handhold the camera. The solution of “stopping down” may work, but still has its drawbacks. We all come across the situation where everything in a shot needs to be in focus, yet our equipment only allows for part of it to be in focus.